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Eggs Benedict 


For the eggs benedict

  • 4 eggs for poaching at room temperature if you can
  • Four slices of canadian bacon or ham
  • 2 English muffins toasted and buttered

For the hollandaise sauce

  • 4 tablespoons of clarified butter aka ghee
  • 3 tablespoons of cold lemon juice
  • 4 egg yolks
  • Pinch or two of cayenne pepper
  • Salt
  • Pepper to finish


  • Prep everything...get your eggs cracked into a bowl and ready for poaching, get your poaching water going on the stove, put your egg yolks into a metal bowl, put your butter in another metal or glass bowl, lemon juice squeezed and measured in a bowl, muffins cut and ready to be toasted and ham in the frying pan to heat up. This step is most important.

For the hollandaise sauce

  • Put egg yolks in a medium sized bowl.
  • Melt the butter over poaching water for about a minute. For this entire minute VIGOROUSLY beat your egg yolks with a wire whisk (the whole minute), until they are lighter and have increased in size.
  • Add the lemon juice to the hot butter and whisk, this will help to cool the butter a bit before you put in your egg yolks, you don’t want them to scramble, that would be gross.
  • Gently pour the butter mixture  into the egg yolks in a steady stream, VIGOROUSLY whisking constantly and I mean constantly, the entire time you are pouring or you will end up with bits of scrambled eggs in your sauce.
  • Keep whisking and place the bowl over the warm water. Do this on/off the poaching water for about about 10 minutes, until it is fully emulsified and nice and thick and velvety. You don't have to whisk quite as vigorously the entire 10 minutes, you can ease up a bit, just make sure to not let it go too long or it will separate. Add your cayenne pepper and season with salt at the very end. Add small amounts of salt and taste as you go, you can over salt this easily and it is so delicate you don’t want to ruin it.
  • While the sauce is going turn on the ham over a low flame in a frying pan and pop down your english muffins. Begin poaching the eggs - they usually take about 3 minutes. Note they should begin to float when they are almost ready. Since you are taking the sauce bowl on off the top of the poaching water, you can check the eggs. As soon as they start floating, take a slotted spoon and gently lift, if the white is set and not clear (this is gonna sound gross, but what i mean is when it doesn't look bougar-y, sorry, there is really nothing grosser than undercooked egg whites), then they are done.
  • Plate the english muffin, top with ham or canadian bacon, top with egg, top with hollandaise sauce and top that with cracked black pepper. And then...ENJOY!


Now, this sauce is obviously so delicious you will want to put it on every damn thing you can, but let me assist you with some ideas…asparagus roasted and drizzled with sauce,  salmon, shrimp, a burger and literally any kind of steak.